nig internship

NIG Internship 2024 | Japan | NIGINTERN

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The NIG Internship program offers a unique opportunity for students and young professionals to gain work experience in Japan. Organized by The Nippon Foundation, a Japanese non-profit organization, this fully funded internship allows participants to be placed at host organizations across Japan for a 3-6 month period. 

The NIG Internship, which focuses on empowering future generations, aims to promote cultural exchange and personal development. Interns have the opportunity to broaden their professional skills while also improving their understanding of Japanese language, culture, and society.

Since its inception in 2008, over 1000 students from around the world have completed internships through this highly competitive program. As interest grows, the NIG Internship is recognized as one of Japan’s most prestigious international work exchange initiatives.

Overview of the NIG Internship 

Every year, the NIG Internship recruits university students and recent graduates under the age of 30 from all over the world. It provides a diverse range of potential employment opportunities in fields such as social services, STEM, research, finance, architecture, tourism, and more.

This variety of opportunities enables interns to find placements that are compatible with their academic background and professional goals. Past host organizations have included major corporations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, universities, and others.

In addition to their primary internship placement, participants attend leadership training, educational site visits, volunteer activities, and social events organized by the NIG Internship office. These supplementary activities promote intercultural exchange and networking.

The program fully covers return airfare, lodging, medical insurance, and other living expenses for the 3-6 month internships. This enables young people to gain professional experience in Japan, regardless of their financial situation.

  • Institution: The National Institute of Genetics.
  • Location: Japan.
  • Internship Period: June 13 to July 24, 2024 (1.5 months)
  • Internship Focused Areas: Life Sciences
  • Internship Deadline: January 9, 2024. 

Benefits of Participating in the NIG Internship

The NIG Internship offers numerous benefits that make it a worthwhile experience for young professionals looking to develop their careers internationally.

Gain Valuable Work Experience

Internship placements offer hands-on work experience and networking opportunities with a wide range of leading Japanese organizations. This can lead to future career opportunities in Japan and related fields around the world.

Enhance Language Skills 

Living and working in Japan enables participants to quickly improve their Japanese language skills through complete immersion. Even beginners can learn basic communication skills through the program. 

Understand Japanese Culture

Interns gain an inside look at local work culture and make connections with Japanese citizens through placements. Cultural orientation activities offer insights into traditions, history, and daily life. 

Expand Global Perspective 

Interns gain understanding, adaptability, and an international perspective by immersing themselves in another cultural environment. The diverse participant group also provides opportunities for cross-border networking.

Build Leadership Skills

From the application process to coordinating logistics and managing workplace challenges, the internship nurtures leadership, problem-solving and organizational abilities.

No Cost Participation

The full funding provided eliminates financial barriers to accessing this high-quality international work experience in Japan.

Eligibility Criteria for the NIG Internship

The NIG Internship has specific eligibility criteria that applicants must meet to be considered:

  • Age: Applicants must be between 18-30 years old at the start date of their internship.
  • Nationality: The program is open to nationals from the 158 developing countries designated as eligible by The Nippon Foundation.
  • Education: Applicants must be newly graduated university/college students or currently enrolled at an undergraduate or graduate level program. 
  • Language: A sufficient level of English is required, but Japanese language ability is not mandatory.
  • Availability: Applicants must be able to participate full-time for the entire 3-6 month internship period.
  • Interest: A strong interest in learning about Japanese language, culture, and social issues is expected.
  • Experience: Relevant educational background or work experience related to the selected placement field is preferred.

Meeting the above eligibility requirements is the first step to applying for this competitive program each year.

Application Process for the NIG Internship

The application for the NIG Internship requires dedication and preparation:

Research and Choose Placement

Applicants must carefully research the host organizations and available placements on offer to find the best match for their skills and goals. Ranking several preferences is recommended.

Gather Required Documents

The application requires personal statements, a CV, university transcripts, letters of reference, and proof of nationality and enrollment status. Having these ready in advance is vital.

Complete Online Application 

The full application must be submitted online through the official NIG Internship website during the annual application period. Late or incomplete applications risk disqualification.

 Await Selection Results

Applications are carefully evaluated by selection committees with interviews sometimes conducted. All applicants are notified once acceptance decisions are made, usually 3-4 months after applying.

Obtain Visa Sponsorship

Those accepted receive visa sponsorship and other pre-departure support from the NIG office to handle all required immigration paperwork and preparations.

Participate in Orientation 

An arrival orientation in Tokyo introduces participants to the program, logistics, cultural basics and networking before they begin their internships.

Applying requires dedication but this rigorous process allows the NIG Internship to maintain its prestigious reputation year after year.

Key Application Requirements

To submit a complete NIG Internship application, the following are required:

  • Online application form and personal statements 
  • Scanned copy of passport page with photo
  • Certified university enrollment verification or diploma copies
  • Official academic transcripts  
  • CV/resume 
  • Two letters of recommendation  
  • English language proficiency proof

Thoroughly preparing each component and getting submissions in well before the deadline is crucial. Applications with missing or inappropriate documents are often rejected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers about the NIG Internship program:

What types of placements are available?

Placements span diverse professional fields at major Japanese corporations, organizations and government offices. Past placements ranged from engineering to banking, architecture to IT and more.

When is the application deadline? 

The application period is open annually from December to February for internships beginning in August or September of that year. Visit the NIG website for details.

Is Japanese language ability required?

No, the program accepts non-Japanese speakers, but having basic skills can be beneficial for life in Japan. Japanese classes are provided during orientation.

Can the internship align with my studies? 

Yes, applicants are matched to placements suiting their academic specialization and professional experience where possible.

Are accommodations and flights free?

Yes, the program sponsors visa, flights, accommodations, insurance and a monthly stipend for living costs in Japan for participants. 

Can I extend my internship?

Extensions up to a total of 1 year may be possible but are not guaranteed. This is decided case-by-case with the host institution.

Do alumni help apply?  

Past NIG interns and staff provide useful tips and advice on the organization’s website and social media groups to aid new applicants.

Who organizes the NIG Internship?

The program is fully funded and organized by The Nippon Foundation, one of Japan’s largest philanthropic organizations.


For students and graduates looking to advance their careers through international experience, the NIG Internship in Japan is an unparalleled opportunity. Through immersive cultural exchange and real-world professional challenges, young people can gain new perspectives and skills that will help them stand out in the global workforce.

The networks formed with leaders throughout Japan also provide opportunities for the future. By investing in youth, the program contributes to the Nippon Foundation’s mission of empowerment through access to knowledge. For aspiring professionals all over the world, joining the NIG Internship community can change their lives.


For more information about the NIG Internship, please visit the official website:

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